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Head Massage

Massage Therapy

Massage therapy involves the manipulation of the body's soft tissues, including the muscles, tendons, ligaments, and joints as well as connective tissue.
Massage therapy is a medical treatment with a therapeutic focus that reduces the pain brought on by daily job stress, muscle overuse, and many chronic pain problems.

Such as:



-Low Back Pain


-Sports Injuries


-Stress Management


Massage Therapy: Service


-Deep Tissue Massage

(Firm pressure and slow strokes to massage deep layers of muscle and fascia)

-Swedish Massage

(Long, kneading strokes combined with rhythmic tapping strokes and movement of the joints)

-Sports Massage

(Treats sports injuries and increase athletic performance)


(Instrumented-assisted soft tissue mobilization reduces pain, increases range of motion, and decreases the formation of scar tissue)

-Trigger Point Release

(Procedures that release muscle tension and reduce discomfort in muscles by applying and maintaining compressive pressure on your trigger points(knots) until the muscle releases)

-Myofascial Release

(Trauma, inflammatory responses, and surgical procedures create fascial restrictions; tension, and tightness in the body's fascia. Gentle pressure is applied slowly to elongate the fascia)

-Active Manual Release

(Soft tissue method used to relieve tissue tension due to fibrosis or adhesions, caused by overload or repetitive use)

Massage Therapy: Text
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